Monday 16 July 2012

Samsung Galaxy Note plagued by display issues

By on 09:29

The Samsung Galaxy Note has been enjoying pretty smooth sailing ever since its launch at the end of last year, but it turns out the device isn't perfectly problem-free. It turns out that the 5.3" phoneblet is plagued by a display issue, which was recently discovered by the XDA community.
The issue consists of black clipping and banding in images and videos, which have dark shadows. According to one Galaxy Note owner, who got in touch with us, the issue is most likely due to a kernel level software glitch or due to poor Gamma calibration on the affected screens.

The following videos demonstrate the issue. Note the blown patches that appear on darker scenes.
We are yet to see an official word from Samsung on the matter as well as information on a potential fix.
You can find more information on the issue as well as a way to check if your Galaxy Note has it over here.


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