Sony Ericsson India recently launched their latest Android smartphone in India by the nameSony Ericsson Xperia Arc S, it is an enhanced version of previously launched Xperia Arc. The new Xperia Arc S comes with a 4.2 Inch touchscreen, 1.4 Ghz Qualcomm processor, 8 MP Camera, HD recording, Bravia engine display and much more smartphone connectivity features. Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S Price in India as of January 2012 is Rs.28,000. (Buy It Here)
The smart phone has the most elegant of the design that you’ll find in the Xperia smart phones. It is just 8.7mm thick and weighs just 117g. It is 125mm long and has 63mm wide.
It features a 4.2 inch LED Backlite LCD capacitive touch screen having a resolution of 480*854 pixels and 16M color support. The screen supports multitouch and has scratch resistant glass. The display is powered by Sony Mobile Bravia Engine and Timescape UI.