T-Mobile says it will be the first to offer the US Samsung Galaxy S III in their brick and m
ortar stores, but the large demand has forced the operator to make the rollout a two-stage affair. Only what T-Mobile considers to be the top 29 markets will get the smartphone on launch date, with the rest to follow on June 27.
Those top markets include LosAngeles,CA; Chicago,IL; Phoenix,AZ; Houston,TX; SanDiego,CA; NewYork,NY; Seattle,WA; Miami/Ft.Lauderdale,FL; Dallas/Ft.Worth,TX; SanFrancisco,CA; SaltLakeCity,UT; Denver,CO; Minneapolis,MN; Tampa/St.Petersburg,FL; Philadelphia,PA; SanAntonio,TX; Portland,OR; Austin,TX; Atlanta,GA; KansasCity,MO; Boston,MA; Sacramento,CA; Orlando,FL; Detroit,MI; WashingtonDC; Cleveland,OH; Jacksonville,FL; Charlotte,NC and McAllen,TX.
If you aren't lucky enough to be living near any of the said locations you might still have a chance to grab one from the "limited amount" that should be available through the company's website.
The Galaxy S III will cost $229.99 with a two-year Value Plan contract from T-Mobile, and $279.99 after $50 mail-in rebate on a Classic plans.
Sprint has also confirmed that it can't quite handle the demand for the Galaxy S III and will only fulfill the 16GB pre-orders on launch date. Those who ordered the 32GB version will have to wait another week for their units to arrive.
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