Exactly one year after the Samsung Star II was announced, Samsung unveiled its successor. TheSamsung Star 3 and its dual-SIM version Star 3 DUOS are entry-level featurephones that aim to deliver simplified user experience at an attractive price.
The Samsung Star 3 featurephones pack a 3" QVGA touchscreen, a 3.2 megapixel fixed-focus camera, a microSD slot and run on the company's latest TouchWiz UI. The connectivity department offers quad-band EDGE, Wi-Fi b/g/n, Bluetooth 3.0, FM radio and a 3.5mm audio jack. The big ones missing here are 3G and GPS.
The Star 3 and Star 3 DUOS are quite compact measuring 102x58x11.5mm and weighing just 95 grams.
Both gadgets will start rolling out globally by the end of this month, but there is no specific price quoted for either of them just yet.
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